Geo Listening
Hermosa Beach, CA, USA

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In their own words

We are a social network monitoring services company. We focus our services on public and private K12 institutions. Our goal is to enable you to filter through all of the public information available via social networks so that you can apply the correct action or intervention on behalf of students. Having access to the right information in a timely manner while not being burdened by manually filtering the mass of information available will enable more effective intervention.

Your students are crying for help. We have heard these cries of despair, and for help and attention, loud and clear from students themselves via their public postings on social networks. Many feel as though no one is listening, and they are falling away from societal connections. This trend can be reversed with more timely information that we can provide to the appropriate school staff.​

Our mission is to provide more timely and relevant information to school administrators so that they can better intervene in the lives of children, and ultimately provide these kids with a more optimal chance to become productive citizens with positive peer connections.

Geo Listening in SMA

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Profile updated 27 August 2020


I’m looking into the structure of data markets and some other things beyond social media. Visit Directed Curiosity to learn more.


SMA is retired. Check out the new projects at Directed Curiosity. I’m exploring the structure of data markets and more.


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