Charleroi, Belgium

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In their own words

Created in 2016, Cikisi S.A. is an European company, that can be considered as a master in web intelligence and social media intelligence, resulting of the deep reflection based on the long previous experience of its founders in the military and industry.

Cikisi is an acronym for « Catch it, Keep it & Share it ! », that illustrates the expertise in collecting, conserving, analysing, exploiting, disseminating and using the information extracted from big data.

The company Cikisi developed a very high-quality web application named Cikisi WMT (web monitoring tool) to automate this process of watching the internet, while allowing the user to also control and bring its own added human value.

Cikisi launched also several other products : Cikisi WMT API, Cikisi Mobile WS (Watch & Search).

The team of the company Cikisi provides personalized assistance in order to enable their customers to maximize their intelligence cycle and to integrate it into their internal company processes, whether they are directed to their competitive intelligence, their strategic foresight or other thematics as risk assessment, compliance checks, internal communication.

Cikisi's clients are mainly located in the European Union (Belgium, Luxembourg, France, etc.), North America and Africa.

Cikisi in SMA

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Profile updated 30 October 2020


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